Explora la belleza natural en piraguas por el río Duratón

Descubre la impresionante ruta en piragua por el Parque Natural Hoces del Río Duratón. Admira su rica fauna, como los buitres leonados, y maravíllate con monumentos históricos como el Convento de la Hoz y la Ermita de San Frutos. ¡Una experiencia inolvidable en plena naturaleza!

5/8/20241 min read

A person in a white long-sleeve shirt and a hat is kayaking on a river. The kayak is blue with some equipment, including a yellow bag, on board. There is dense greenery along the riverbank, and in the background, there are tall trees and what appears to be a church with golden domes.
A person in a white long-sleeve shirt and a hat is kayaking on a river. The kayak is blue with some equipment, including a yellow bag, on board. There is dense greenery along the riverbank, and in the background, there are tall trees and what appears to be a church with golden domes.

Naturaleza, aventura, historia.